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STEP 1: Learner | Lyrical (Week 3)

A 3-week course for beginners

  • Park Meadows Drive

Service Description

🚨 ATTENTION: This is "Week 3" of our 3-week course! If you missed weeks 1 and 2 you have to wait to book the next available course. Check the schedule to book an upcoming "Week 1" class. Step 1: Learner Ready to take your first steps into the world of dance? In Step 1: Learner, our three-week program will guide you through the foundations of dance. Each week, you'll dive into a single class, breaking down a 45-90 second choreography into three manageable parts. With a slower pace and focused instruction, you'll gain confidence, enhance choreography retention, and develop a strong dance foundation. Get ready to groove, learn, and shine on the dance floor! Class breakdown: Duration: 60 minutes Week 1: - Introduction to the song and the dance style - Break down of basic steps and foundational movements - Break down of the first half of the choreography (usually 20-35 seconds) - Practice the choreography repeatedly throughout the class - Take-home assignment: practice what you learned in class (You're encouraged to record yourself or the instructor so you can practice at home) Week 2: - Review and reinforcement of the steps learned in the previous class - Introduction to the second part of the choreography - Learning and practicing the last 20-35 seconds of the choreography - Take-home assignment: Practice the complete choreography (You're encouraged to record yourself or the instructor so you can practice at home) Week 3: - Recap of the entire routine learned so far - Fine-tuning and cleaning up the choreography - Answering any questions or addressing concerns - Reserved 15-20 minutes at the end of the class for recording group videos (optional but recommended) - You'll receive a professionally edited group video to practice at home, share with friends and family, and showcase on social media!

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